Utah Waste Management and Radiation Control Board Approves Rulemaking Actions

December 6, 2022: The Utah Waste Management and Radiation Control Board has approved the following rulemaking actions to be placed in the Utah State Bulletin: Proposed amendments to R315-15, R315-260, R315-261, R315-262, R315-263, R315-264, and R315-265of the hazardous waste rules in response to comments from U.S. EPA Region 8. Proposed changes to R313-15-501, R313-34-3, R313-35-120, R313-36-3 and R313-38-3, to incorporate …


The Waste Management and Radiation Control Board has scheduled a meeting for November 10, 2022, at 1:30 PM. CLICK HERE for details about the meeting along with the agenda and information regarding how to participate.  With the continued COVID 19 virus, the Texas Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Compact Commission is conducting the November 17, 2022 meeting in person and …

President Biden selects Commissioner Hanson as new Chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Christopher T. Hanson has been designated by U.S. President Joe Biden as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s 18th Chairman, effective immediately. Hanson replaces Kristine L. Svinicki, who departed the agency on Jan. 20, 2021, after serving as Chairman since 2017. “I am honored to have been selected by President Biden to serve as the next NRC Chairman and to lead the …

Save the Date – Virtual Spring 2021 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum Meeting

The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forum (LLRWF) will be hosting its Spring 2021 meeting virtually using the Webex Events platform. Originally planned for Baltimore, MD, the Forum Board voted to hold the Spring meeting in a virtual format due to continued COVID concerns and travel restrictions. There will be three, two hour meetings starting April 7 and concluding April 8, 2021. …

NRC to withdraw proposed interpretation of its low-level radioactive waste regulations

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is withdrawing a proposed interpretation of its low-level radioactive waste disposal regulations that would permit licensees to dispose of waste by transfer to persons who hold specific exemptions for the purpose of disposal by burial. The proposal is being withdrawn based on the NRC staff’s assessment that the proposed changes may not benefit the …

Newsflash: Frank Hahne selected by the Southeast Compact Commission to receive the Hodes Award

The Southeast Compact Commission (SECC) selected Frank Hahne to receive the 2021 Richard S. Hodes Award (Award) for the significant role he played in successfully designing, implementing and leading the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) successful uranium bartering program during the deactivation and decommissioning (D&D) clean-up work at the former enrichment site in Portsmouth, Ohio. The Award is given to …

NRC to Conduct Public Webinar on July 16 to Discuss Three Mile Island 1 Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Topics

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will present a webinar for interested members of the public on July 16 regarding the decommissioning of the Three Mile Island 1 nuclear power plant, located in Londonderry, Pa. The purpose of the webinar is to provide key facts about the decommissioning process and how the NRC regulates such activities through on-site inspections and other …